Shelnutt & Varner, Attorneys at Law

Slip and Fall

The slip and fall is the most common type of premises liability accident. It happens everywhere —schools, stores, apartment buildings, parks, hospitals, public sidewalks, and private residences. In many cases, “operator error” may be completely to blame. But in those cases where a known hazard caused a person to slip and take a tumble, shouldn’t the property owner be held accountable for any serious injuries that result?

We think so, and so do state lawmakers. Premises liability laws are designed to protect the public from dangers that could have a very negative physical and financial impact on their lives. While the term “slip and fall” brings to mind an image of a harmless slip with a soft landing, many slip and fall accidents actually end in catastrophic injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, back and neck injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Countless residents have been paralyzed after slip-and-fall accidents. Total hip replacements, broken bone surgeries, and other procedures are also common.

For a free review of your slip and fall claim, please call the experienced premises liability lawyers at The Shelnutt & Varner Law Firm at 256-547-4988 for a free consultation in the southeast area.

Who Is at Fault for a Slip and Fall Accident?

Slip and fall accidents are often not accidents at all but injuries that result from unsafe environments. The majority of slip and fall accidents are preventable!

The attorneys at The Shelnutt & Varner Law Firm have seen far too many lives disrupted after a slip and fall accident. Poorly maintained outdoor grounds or indoor flooring is often the cause. Wobbly railings, loose stair steps, uneven concrete, and spilled substances have all been to blame in various cases. Tools, machinery, or other objects left on walkways can cause “trip and falls,” a slight variation of the slip and fall accident.

When a property owner or manager leaves his premises in a hazardous state, and innocent victims pay the price, our legal team is here to help you find justice. We’ll work hard to hold these careless owners accountable and to make sure they clean up their property and start following through on the responsibilities that come with owning property. If you feel another’s negligence contributed to or caused your slip and fall accident, you may be able to collect compensation to help you cover medical expenses, lost income, and other fees associated with severe injury.

How has The Shelnutt & Varner Law Firm helped other personal injury victims? Client Testimonials

Did a loved one suffer fatal injuries after a slip-and-fall accident? Please visit our Wrongful Death page.

Learn more about how we help slip and fall accident victims collect money damages. Please contact The Shelnutt & Varner Law Firm online or by phone at 256-547-4988 for experienced legal advice and free personal consultation in the southeast area of the United States.

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